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Published: October 6, 2020

ADD / ADHD and You

Diagnoses we see often at The Deason Company are ADD and ADHD. This condition generally affects people from ages 4 and up. Many people go undiagnosed because they have had the symptoms so long and just deal with them the best they can. If you experience the symptoms described below, and they interfere with your daily life, please reach out to your physician for a diagnosis.

Common Symptoms of ADD/ADHD

• Inattentive
• Miss details
• Bored easily
• Trouble focusing on a single task
• Difficulty organizing thoughts
• Losing things
• Inability to listen
• Daydreaming
• Slow to process information
• Trouble following directions
• Impulsive
• Constant Squirming and/or fidgeting
• Difficulty sitting still (leg shaking, etc)

• Non-stop talking
• Fiddling with objects
• Hard time engaging in quiet activities
• Constantly “going”
• Impatience
• Acting out without concern for consequences
• Blurting out answers or inappropriate comments.
• Hyperactivity
• The combination of both the impulsive and the inattentive qualities

Treatment for ADD/ADHD

The options to treat ADD/ADHD and are vast. Many families choose homeopathic avenues like essential oils. Some oils that are recommended are blends of Lavender, Cedarwood, and Vetiver. These all can help with calming and focus.

Another option is behavior modification. Education, training and behavioral counseling can bring balance and relieve many of the symptoms of ADHD but they are not a cure.

For those who want to take a more medical approach, there are options that can help control the symptoms of ADHD and make life function more effectively. These medications include but are not limited to:

• Vyvanse
• Intuniv
• Concerta
• Strattera
• Mydayis

The brand-named prescriptions listed above can be costly but they do have generous programs that can help you to pay and keep up with your medication regime affordably.

NOTE: Always talk with your physician to determine which medications are best for you to control your ADHD and live a fulfilled, well-balanced life.

On average, we save our members $500 or more per month through our prescription assistance programs. Find out how much we can SAVE YOU!

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