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Published: October 6, 2020

There is HOPE for Affordable Medication

Here's a typical conversation we have with callers at The Deason Company, "Yes, I'm calling because I have great coverage through my employer and mine is free but we just found out that if I add my husband and child it will be $1,200 a month. What should I do, I cannot afford that?"

This is an ever-increasing problem as more plans disappear off the Affordable Care Act market. The insurance providers who've remained increase the cost at the corporate level to even out their bottom line. As the result, many employers cannot afford to pay the increased cost without raising either product costs or making a less overall profit. Therefore, the cost is passed on to the employee who is not prepared for how this impacts their income.

These calls are my favorite because there is HOPE that we can make a difference for that family. Gone are the days of cookie-cutter plans that everyone gets and qualifies for. Where everyone pays $5.00 at the pharmacy and $10.00 at the doctor's office. If insurance is not your expertise, you can easily get lost in the shuffle of all the options, choices, and pitfalls. An HMO or PPO, deductible or none, out of pocket max . . . It is a language all of its own and where I can offer Hope to a family that feels like they cannot afford to be insured.

In the case above, as long as the coverage the parent has at work is a great plan, I would propose putting the other parent and child(ren) on a different plan that meets the family's needs and budget and allows them to be well cared for and protected both with their health and financial assets.

If you are paying what you consider "too much", contact The Deason Company. Prices fluctuate based on zip code and the age and health of those insured but a good rule of thumb is as follows. Higher prices are based on complete packages with dental, vision, and life:

• Ages 18 - 25: Individuals $100-$350, add an estimated $75-100 per child, and $100- 250 per extra adult in the same age group.*
• Ages 26 - 35: Individuals $200- $450, add an est $75-100 per child, and $200-$315 per extra adult in the same age group.*
• Ages 36-50: Individuals $250- $475, add an est $75-100 per child, and $250-$325 per extra adult n the same age group.*
• Agest 51-64: Individuals $400- $625, add an est $75-100 per child, and $350-$425 per extra adult in the same age group.*

Let's review the first family and assume they are in the second category (26-35). If we just insure Dad and the child and put them on a maxed-out plan with every bell and whistle they will probably pay around $600 to $700 a month. That is a savings of $500 to $600 per month. That is HOPE! That is what makes my day better!

Click here and submit your form and we will get you a quote today.
*prices are subject to underwriting, health, age, and location of each client, averages are just that, averages, and not a pricing tool.

On average, we save our members $500 or more per month through our prescription assistance programs. Find out how much we can SAVE YOU!

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